@patrick_bateman I was bored so I read the comments are your mostrecent post, I read your lil rant (no I’m not judging bc what you said is soreal to peeps) I’m sorry that your ex did that to you. Tbh I have t had arelationship in like…. I think 2 years almost 3 bc people keep on spreadingrumors. But yet again that would make sense because you’re inhighschool, but fr fvck her bruv! She’s just mad that you broke up w her orshe’s jelous of somebody you know. I don’t know what I’m saying, all Iknow is that I’m yapping 😔 sorry. Just think of what Tyler, the creator’smama said during darling, I. Unless you get married, then you can tell thatperson who love em’. PLEASE POST AGAIN PATRICK BATEMANPLEASEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE PLEASEEEEEEEEEE PLEASEEEEEEEEEE🥺 🙏 🙏 🙏 🙏 🙏 🙏 🙏 🙏 🙏xoxo, don’t let em’ haters get to you (cuz they actually stup!d if they talkn’about you cuz you’re AWSOME SAUCE 🫶 )Nacho