spanish aka espanol de endendsfrom vulgar latin it's originlies in spainIt was the language of Romanswho ruled the Iberian PeninSula for 700 years Under theinfluence of kelfiberian Basque Visigothic later Arabithe first dictionary of Spanishlanguage was written in 1492in the year histopher Columbusdiscoverd Amari aIn Spain other foreign languageswere ban in 1714 during theBourbon dynastySpanish has 2 names espartoCastellanoThe Royal Spanish Academyis in charge of the languageSpanish has a Arabic influencedue to their invasition in theIberian Peninsula during 771Learning Spanishaprendiendo espanol a ad U oube ban me oo rehe Seh we doh blah oo tehD den x eh KeesE ah Y yeh graggF eh Fen Z Seh tahG hehH ah chehI ee maio 7Je ho tahK KahL eh teh a aa hahahahae ah heheheM eh meh i ee hee hee heeNe eh heh O oh hohohoU ou junio julioD en hehD ohp penQ KOOR er rehs eh sehT teh colors Name este es el colorRed rojopi Blue azulgreene verdeorange anaranjadoyellow amarillo twitter.tkPurple moradoPink rosadoBrown caféBlack negro neg rowhite Blan onumbers 1 uno seat g nueve at2 dos thisi3 tres CTI I Once Jae12 do e tht4 Cuatro en El 13 trece Bey6 St S EEE 15 quince ima org in 00p die i Seis8 00h0 30T 17 die i siete IE Ent