spanish aka espanol de endends
from vulgar latin it's origin
lies in spain
It was the language of Romans
who ruled the Iberian Penin
Sula for 700 years Under the
influence of kelfiberian Bas
que Visigothic later Arabi
the first dictionary of Spanish
language was written in 1492
in the year histopher Columbus
discoverd Amari a
In Spain other foreign languages
were ban in 1714 during the
Bourbon dynasty
Spanish has 2 names esparto
The Royal Spanish Academy
is in charge of the language
Spanish has a Arabic influence
due to their invasition in the
Iberian Peninsula during 771
Learning Spanish
aprendiendo espanol
5 228
a ad U ou
be ban me oo reh
e Seh we doh blah oo teh
D den x eh Kees
E ah Y yeh gragg
F eh Fen Z Seh tah
G heh
H ah cheh
I ee maio 7
Je ho tah
K Kah
L eh teh a aa hahahaha
e ah hehehe
M eh meh i ee hee hee hee
Ne eh heh O oh hohoho
U ou junio julio
D en heh
D oh
p pen
R er reh
s eh seh
T teh
colors Name este es el color
Red rojo
pi Blue azul
greene verde
orange anaranjado
yellow amarillo
Purple morado
Pink rosado
Brown café
Black negro neg ro
white Blan o
numbers 1 uno seat g nueve at
2 dos this
i3 tres CTI I Once Jae
12 do e tht
4 Cuatro en El 13 trece Bey
6 St S EEE 15 quince ima or
g in 00
p die i Seis
8 00h0 30T 17 die i siete IE Ent