You may be asking how I knowthis about Elizabeth. Pleaseknow I probably will post morefnaf theories about this inthe future, and I will explainthe lore more thoroughly.(I mean that I know the lore behindElizabeth and around the time she gotkilled. This is after Williamdiscovered the transformingtechnology that Henry made.)Understand that fnaf 3 springtrap might not actually be ahuman in a suit, like we though.In the 4th book, William revealsthat the spring trap who capturedJessica is actually ananimatronic. This means that thefnaf 3 spring trap could be ananimatronic. After all, they didsay animatronic in the tape andnot human body. This is somethingI realized and noticed how manypeople have missed this simplefact. This would mean fnaf 3 fitsin very well with our story andbook arc.