HAPPY RANT ⁉i love Mario so much I love the franchise i have 4 Mario plushies, I have 5 Mario games all i do allday is think about Mario all i do is try to draw Mario characters i have a Mario purse-ish thingy i haveMario villains memorized I have Mario characters memorized i know all of the Mario girls like PaulineRosalina daisy peach toadette birdo yeah :DDD i am a devoted Pauline fan and have a poster of herin my room i get excited whenever someone brings up something Mario related, i love bloopers andthe broodals and cheep cheeps this is turning into an entire rant which i’m happy about, i have Luigihaunted mansion and have been playing it non-stop, trying to get a 100% run which is all of thegems all of the ghosts discovered all of the rare ghosts discovered, Mario and peach and the threetoads saved all of the battles done, only Mario character I dislike is dr. E gadd because he’s lameand weird and creepy. I love king boo, I play Mario kart anytime i come over to my friend who hasMario karts house. I plan on asking for more Mario stuff anytime i can, i will change everything onevery platform to mario character fanart, specifically Pauline or the girls like birdo, i have every actorin the mario movies name memorized, i know every single secret in the mario movie, i watch the 15seconds Pauline is on screen every single day i am a mario fan girl TRUST if anyone ever makesMario art PLEASE tag me i love mario ‼