Ones upon a time, in hospital on the eighth floor, a baby was born “whatshould we name him Dear?” Said a lady, “we should name him Sin-U” aman said, “Sin-u, hm, I like that” the lady said while holding the child inher arms. ANYWAYS fast forward to now. Hey, My name is Sin-u, as I saidearlier. Anyways I’m turning 16 on December 17, which means I only haveone more day until my birthday. I grew up with a Asian family. What typeof Asian I’m I? you may ask, well, I was born in South Korea, so I’mKorean, I literally hate being Asian because as soon after as my parents andI got out of the hospital when I was just a little Agi, we moved all the way toLondon, don’t get me wrong I love it here but… it’s just I’ve been gettingteased in school since I’m from South Korea they say I’m might bomb theircity and that I’m some sort of spy, it’s actually hilarious to hear themmistake me for a North Korean, anyways back to my 16 birthday, I’m soscared because you know it’s a birthday, and my parents literally invitedthe Nextdoor neighbor along with her two kids, my mom said “it’s because Ihave no friends and I should start getting out of my shell” and my dad saidthat “the neighbor’s daughter is a really kind person, and their son wants tostudy to be a teacher, plus that they are both they are kind of the same ageas me, and I should try and get a girlfriend” my parents are looking forwardfor me to get to now them and try asking the neighbors daughter out. ButI’m scared to tell them I’m actually… into Guys ever since I was a kid I’vealways fell for a boy I never fell for a girl. I don’t really know what thatmeans, but I’ve seen the neighbors son kiss both, girls and boys here andthere, I know that because one day when I was in the backyard I saw himkiss a girl through his window, and about a week later I saw him kiss a boybut the kiss was really intense so I’m guessing that their relationship is verystrong, I don’t know to be honest I don’t want to assume things. Mepersonally, I’ve never been in a relationship, and I don’t think I will. sinceI’m super ugly, everyone says I’m a good looking guy and I should probablygo out more, but I don’t think I am and if I do go out I’d probably getjumped by the guys that make fun of me at school for being Korean. Plus Ithink I might have a crush on the neighbors son, I don’t know how he lookslike because when he is making out with his boyfriend, all I see is hisboyfriend and not him, but his voice is deep and I’m into guys with deep voices they just sound so hot. Anyways that’s enough for now I need to takea shower my mom is taking me to meet my neighbor soon,