38.92Not in oneGood books for 11year oldsWaiting for normalA young girl named Addie has theluck of having a learning disabilityand a neglecting Mom. A stolen fluteand a friend with cancer Addie startsto worry and then when her momstarts disappearing more and moreoften and for longer timeframesAddie begins to wonder what sheshould do.Waiting for normal,Five starsWaiting ForNormal i10 125th 7thgradenot in one320 389children bookEnglishAlice B J Haynes5 Stars 4 starsDasha V Greta M5 Stars 5starsAddie is able to make it day today, ultimately on her own, in hersearch for normal.Addie, the main character, has sucha strong voice and a warm heart, shereached out from the pages andpulled me into her story.I enjoyed the book, but I wouldprobably only give it to olderaudiences.Great story with real lifesituations some kidscan relate to. Great forearly 6th grade readinglevel.Leslie Connor is the author of the middle grade novels,Waiting for Normal, All Rise for the Honorable Perry T.Cook, The Truth as Told by Mason Buttle, a Finalist forthe 2018 National Book Award, and most recently, AHome for Goddesses and Dogs.