Chat (2) (2)
Anyone wanna chat? I’m bored and lonely 🙄
Hi i exist :)
Good <3 how’s life
Good (maybe) anyways.
SEARCH: How do you start a conversation?
Say something :/
Okay. I want you to answer this >:D
Yeehaw 🤠 lol
Dog or cat
Cola or coke (lol)
Boba or coffee
Anime or cartoon
Peanut butter of jelly
Soft or emo
Female or male
Have you
In my
opinion I
it :D
Yes I have it is
very good but the
hype for 8
episodes is
overdramatic but I
can’t wait to see
new episodes
Ikr what’s ur fave
scene? (Mines the
dance scene ofc
My apple pencil
died too lol 😍 well I
gtg bc my mom
hates when im on for
hours :) byeee!
Probably the end
scene where Xavier
gets her a phone <3
Wowie 🤩 ur the only
person who likes
something besides the
dance scene lol
Yeah lol 😭 but
anyways tell me abt
you self
Im a female :D i love to
draw as u probably already
know :D I’m maybe ur age or
above. I like love pokemon.
I used to live in japan. I
have 2 dogs and a cat.
Wednesday rocks 🤭 . And u,
are my bestie 😍 tell me
about urself :D
Well I’m female, I like
anime , I like to draw
characters or people uhhh I
draw mostly at school and I
love literature and
arts(poems) I’m SinGlE and I
speak French also you are
Also my bestie and as I’m
typing this Mt Apple Pencil
died :)
Same Bye tho <3🤩