EmbarrassmentsHavent EspeciallyDont beencalledout butI'd when youVl probably will know peopleone getkinda around youscared pg 2beinginthesame whenateacheryells cryinginfrontofroomasyour atyouinfrontof peoplecrush everyoneI startIm to cryingevenbusy dieing when imcalledi Kindathrowingupinfront ahayingygrpgeeta.tn publicspeakingofpeopleyourfriends iimChnWell People RUNNINGwont use me Notreallyfor answersYou raise your you say ask You call someonebyhandand answer something really the wrong namewrong stupid out loudWhat yall I blamelooking at bud I my parentswhentheyfinallyhavey toexplainsay WhatYou say something Nobody You say somethingto yourfriend as laughs at orthe class goes understands multiple times butquiet your joke still aren't heard