My persona in yan sim-
She is a rival who has a strong crush on senpai. She is a manba gyaru and is friends with the phone
addicts. Her mother is a friend of the Ronsaku Loan company, and musume's mother. You may
eliminate her, but she is a tough opponent. A named Geiji and Geba, the art and gaming club
leaders, have crushes on her. Her weakness is her deathly fear of roaches. She loves the color red.
She is a master manipulator.
Xtra info: She appears in week 13, and stays for the rest of the game. There are three ways to get
her away from senpai.
Option 1: eliminate her. Any normal way to eliminate her, but she will ght back. If you don't
successfully ght back, she'll take a photo of you while you recover and run away, sending the
photo to the police.
Option 2: Sabotaging her with senpai. Do like you would with a normal rival, except when senpai
rejects her, she will leave for two weeks, returning and rivaling you for senpai's love, as a yandere.
Option 3: matchmaking her with someone else. There's a fty-fty chance she will actually match
make. If she stops crushing on senpai, she'll go with them. But if you don't, she'll realize how strong
her love for senpai is , and will rival, you as a yandere.