Chapter 11
Air seemed to go against Jamie’s face for a while. She nally opened her eyes but was to terried to
scream. She was falling closer and closer to the ground. Jamie pulled the shoot as she ung up.
It was working.
Soon enough Jamie started getting closer to the ground. She held on for dear life, as even being a
few feet from ground terried her. She looked up and groaned.
A tree.
It had to be the one tree in the desert!
Jamie hit the tree, and took the shoot o. She fell and hit the ground.
“Ow.” She said under her breath.
She pushed her auburn hair out of her face and stood up. She looked at the tree. Something about
it was odd. She looked around it, and found a square.
Naturally, being Jamie, Jamie pulled the square up.
Jamie thought for a second. Well… looks like I’m going back underground. She jumped in, and with
that closed the vent behind her.
Jamie crawled around for what seemed like ages. She found little lavatories, and the vents leading
down were locked from the other side. She waited for a few seconds trying to see what was on the
screens and hear them talk.
Jamie continued to crawl. She didn’t know what on earth they were saying, but she knew it was
bad. She looked up and saw a spider web.
“Get out of the way.” She hissed while getting rid of it. She killed the spider (in case it was
venomous), and kept going deeper, or well as far as it went. She found a room, and looked through
the vent.
It had gas cans that had a tube attached to them. As a matter of a fact they came through the vent.
Jamie followed the tubes to a vent. She looked down and it was a white room… with a banana
She looked up and saw a camera looking through the vent door to the white room. Jamie snapped
the camera so it wouldn’t see her. She went to keep going when she noticed something odd.
Jamie undid them and pressed down. The vent door didn’t open. “Ugh.” She said in frustration.
Jamie went to keep going but the vent opened. She feel through and hit the ground. She heard
movement, but couldn’t see due to the face her hair ipped over her face.
Jamie lifter her hair.
Her light brown eyes met his pure black ones.