To anyone who actually reads my book :)
The book that I'm writing right now (that doesn't have a name yet, it's just called
Random Book) is... not good. Originally I just started writing a random scene and
realized I could turn it into a book. The actual plot, I think was gonna be good, but my
writing doesn't really do it justice. I think I'm just gonna discontinue it, BUT FEAR NOT!
I have a better plot in mind for a story. It's gonna be like a romance, realistic
ction :D (But it's not really realistic lol [sry I'm just addicted to romance right now]). If
anyone wants a summary of what the last book thing was gonna be, I can type it up for
you if I want. But anyways, again, I'm discontinuing my last book 😢 but gonna start
writing a new one. And I think the one I will start writing will be a better one than the last
So yeah, I'm sure no one will actually read this note, but just to let you know if
you're wondering what happened to RB.