SoE3: Chapter 12 part 2
I looked up at Evelyn and Knole, and my eyes couldn’t stay open, and I fell back into a blackout.
The old lady called mom was all up in my face, so I did the logical thing. I pooped my pants. Mom’s
face went from a happy, to smelling the air, to gaging, then to a glare. I gave a grin, and she left.
Mission accomplished. I’m so cool, and awesome. I can literally do anything…— ABORT MISSION!
Mom came back with a new white thing she alway put on my bottom. Oh come on! I started to cry,
and tried to kicked her hands away, but she didn’t give in.
I glared at mother as she changed my diaper. What a jerk!
I cried more, as mom put me into the cage, with a pillow. That’s what it was, not a crib, a cage. I
cried more, as mom sighed and walked o.
I was in the woods, and happy to be. This was one cool dream. I looked up as two really big guys
walked over. They were ugly as dad and big bro Cypher combined. One had long purple hair, and
the other green. They had golden coins in their hair, and dressed like Shakespeare. I heard a
scream, and turned and froze.
The only person who understood had an arrow through her. Bestie Evelyn.
I woke up, and started to cry, and I saw Dad’s ugly face, and mom’s annoyed face. Period Ew. I
cried more, and dad picked me up and stayed to rock me.
PUT ME DOWN! I cried, but they stared at me like I was talking in tongues. Idiots. You always have
to spell it out for them.
“Sita tuble!” I yelled.
Mom and Dad’s eyes widened, and they stared at me.
“Did he just—”
I repeated what I said, and they stared at me more.
“HE SAID SOMING!” Mom said inging me up in down. I loved it when she did that, but this was not
the time.
Dad looked at me carefully. “Um… I think something’s wrong.”
“What do you mean?! He’s talking!”
“Yeah… but, Apollo is god of prophecy. My dad. I can understand dierent stu others can’t.”
“Okay… and? Cypher knows more about this stu then you.” She pointed out.
I reached for dad, because he was on to what I said. YES UGLY FATYER! NO RANDOM DUMB
“Sita tuble… sister trouble.” He said carefully.
“Okay… oh no.”
Mom’s eyes widened, and she looked at dad. “Evelyn… you don’t think—”
“Well there’s only one way to nd out.”
Mom grabbed me, and hugged me. “Mom and dad are going to save sissy and buba! You going to
stay with grandma and grandpa Bexter!” She said.