7Maggidd I aa a 1 1 1 i in aeggeggtaga i a a a a a'ÉaBdThe difference in the mutations are in thepictures shownThis baby has Lobar holoprosencephalyThe baby has alobar HoloprosencephalyBut there is a sad sideto holoprosencephaly,the babies born withcyclopia, don’t surviveearly infancy,Some of the side effects from the mainholoprosencephalyDevelopmental delay.•Intellectual disability.•Epilepsy and seizures.•Small head (microcephaly).•Large head (macrocephaly).•Excessive fluid in their brain (hydrocephalus).•Facial abnormalities.•Tooth abnormalities (single central incisor).•Cleft lip and/or palate.•Pituitary gland•Problems regulating body temperature, heart•rate and breathing.Feeding difficulties•As you can see, all these babies arestill the adorable babies you seeeveryday their just.. different. AsÉ0To date, seven genes have been positivelyimplicated in HPE: Sonic hedgehog (SHH),ZIC2, SIX3, TGIF, PTCH, GLI2 and TDGF1This is the survival rate ofalobar holoprosencephalyOnly 50% of patients withalobar HPE will survive by4-5 months of age. Only20% of these cases willsurvive by 12 months of age.Holoprosencephaly can becaused by genetic changes inany of at least 14 differentgenes; chromosomeabnormalities; or agents thatcan cause birth defects(teratogens). It may also be afeature of several uniquegenetic syndromes. In manycases, the exact cause isunknown.These are all the survivors ofholoprosencephalyNonsyndromic holoprosencephaly is anabnormality of brain development thatalso affects the head and face.Holoprosencephaly can besurvived!But, holoprosencephaly can be detectedfrom 11–12 weeksWhile there is no cure for HPE, treatment issymptomatic and supportive. Some symptoms andconditions caused by HPE are as follows: cyclopia,median cleft lip and palate, seizures, missing frontteeth, closley set eyes, small head, multiple hormonedeficiencies, feeding difficulties, developmental delaysand more, there is no cure for holoprosencephaly yetHoloprosencephaly is in both malesand females but it’s not diagnosedlike ADHD is, your born with it so youcan’t develop it over time