Type of settlement: City
Size of settlement: Moderate
Notable areas: A fishery, a statue, a cobbler's shop, a large library, a watchtower, and a university.
Local Districts
Northern districts: Krandwidge, Longmore, and Gallewal
Eastern districts: Towerwedge, Green Lake, Smithfast, Highing, and Elaharbor
Southern districts: Gerani, Light Hill, Ipre, Scedicha, and Esiphnleigh
Western districts: Ter, Asedop Valley, and Asyl
Central districts: Whed, Banorulaboro, Towerkirk, and Dravonosditch
Financial status: In debt
Local Government: Competent
Growth/development: Frequent
Public services: Inefficient
Crime rate: Very low
Cost of living: Expensive
Employment prospects: Very bad
Overall appearance: Towering
Urban area: 85%
General construction level: Adequate
General level of upkeep: Poorly maintained
General street condition: Often filthy
Population: Large
Level of contentment: Displeased
Racial diversity: Indigenous people only
Attitudes towards visitors: Tolerant
Regional accent: Neutral
Type: "Not too bad"
This legal system is a little lenient, ignoring some crimes and leaving others undefined.
Serious Crimes (5): (Very illegal)
- Arson
- Resisting arrest
- Being in debt
- Assault
- Treason
Illegal (8): (But Ignored):
- Animal cruelty
- Indecent exposure
- Organised crime
- Libel
- Child abuse
- Burglary
- Torture
- Tax evasion
Neither Legal Nor Illegal (9):
- Murder
- Extortion
- Identity theft
- Rape
- Drug dealing
- Kidnapping
- Manslaughter
- Piracy
- Breaking curfew
Frequently Problematic (2): (Actively trying to stop)
- Slavery
- Robbery
Legal/Legally Protected (2):
- Vandalism
- Blackmail
Punishments for criminals include:
- Execution by firing squad
- Prison sentences up to 36 years
- Death by lethal injection
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Taboos and Social
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Socially Accepted Behaviours:
- Cheating
- Public protesting
Major Social Problems:
- Patriotism
- Bi-sexuality
Major Taboos:
- Alcohol abuse
- Witchcraft
- Public nudity
- Euthanasia
- Adultery
Minor Taboos:
Punishments for breaking Major taboos include:
- Mob attack
- Counselling
- A small fine
- The death sentence
- Confiscation of property
- A large fine
Punishments for breaking Minor taboos include:
- Minor confiscation of wealth
- No punishment
- Harrassment