Comp time!What are you doing? Ok, first, sign ur name on theline below. Then, draw the art. Then, tag me at#collabcompYOU MUST TAG IT THAT OR IT DOESN’T COUNT!Entries due: December 11th!Signed:_______________RULES AND GUIDELINES ON NEXT PAGE!!!1st place group: large Drawing of both ppl’s mainocs anc follow (if not already)2nd place group: small oc drawing and follow3rd place group: sticker of both ocs and follow (if notalready) What are we drawing? With another person, you willcollab and enter this comp. NO MORE THAN TWOPPL.Anyway, you and a buddy will collab. Make sure thatyour positive qualities shine! **will not be judgedentirely on artistic abilities, also on creativity**Make sure that your art:-Is your best-Is creative-Brings out ur personality—MAKE SURE THAT BOTH PPL AREEQUALLY REPRESENTED!—Score will be ten/15 pts per person on eachcategorySCORE CHART ON NEXT PAGE! Creativity—__/20 pts__________—__/10 pts__________—__/10 ptsEffort Shown—__/20 pts__________—__/10 pts__________—__/10 ptsColored/Shading*—__/20 pts__________—__/10 pts__________—__/10 ptsLetting both shine equally—__/30 pts__________—__/15 pts__________—__/15 ptsPleasing to look at?—__/20 pts__________—__/10 pts__________—__/10 ptsif not coloredShave shading