Sooo…I live in Australia and [up until this point] I thought all the stuff about Australia being the Land of the CreepyCrawlies was mainly exaggeration.…then I took a long hard look at what we consider completely normal [at least in the part of Australia I live in].Half the fence is off and nobody is concernedWe’re just leaving it that wayNever mind the bush turkeys taking over thegarden[it just means my little brother gets to spraythem with a water pistol. Win-win, right?]*casually spends about an hour and 20minutes in a tree with this glorious snek*My street has a resident carpet python. Again, not oneperson is concerned. We call it Fluffy [although nobody issure whether this is the third or fourth generation ofFluffies].We have a dedicated shoe specifically for spider-whacking [idk if you have this in other countries but it’sdefinitely a thing here]Just had two Tawny Frogmouths living in the tree outsidemy living room window. Totally chill. [they le aer abouta month.]Terrifying noises at night that sound like a goose beingbrutally murdered? It’s fine, it’s probably just a possumhaving a fight with the neighbour’s cats.Bats be happily roosting from the guttersWent camping— red belly black snake freely roamingthe site, affectionately referred to by staff as ‘blackberry’and fed small mammals at morning tea time