Griffon, Austin, Mr. Conners, and I got on the plane first, because we were accompanying Griffon. Isat down behind Griffon and Austin, and started to get comfortable, as Ashlyn sat down with me agood five minutes later.Austin immediately turned around and faced me, from the crack in the seat in front. “Can I switchwith you?”“Why?”He looked at me then Ashlyn. “So I can sit with my girlfriend.” He said smiling.I raised an eyebrow, and glanced at Ashlyn, who’s face was a bright pink. I rolled my eyes. “Fine,but it’s not like I don’t know what happening here.” I said standing up.I moved over and sat down next to Griffon. I froze and my face went pink. I looked back at Austinand Ashlyn who were smirking. I had been played; set up.“Oh… hi.” He said with a red face.“Hey… um… where did you that go?”“Gave it to dad. I didn’t want anyth’n happen’en to it.” He said laughing. I smiled and looked out thewindow at the darkness.“So, when are we take’n off? How do we take off?” He asked.I looked at him carefully for a second. “Have you ever been on a plane before?” I asked carefully.Griffon shook his head. Oh gosh, he hadn’t been on a plane. “Um well—”The plane started to rumble and we moved forward. Griffon grabbed the seat’s armchair, and hiseyes widened. I started to laugh, and Griffon’s face went pink again.“Shut up Nicky! This is terrify’n!” He snapped. I started to laugh again, and was glad we were therevery front of the plane.“Griffy bro, it’s fine mate!” Austin said squishing his face through the crack behind us.“Shut up Austin! I’ll have your ding dang throat if I live!” Griffon said through clenched teeth.I heard Ashlyn burst out laughing, and I did too. After a few moments Griffon started to relax, but Iknew it was about to get bad again.The plane bursted into its fiery speed, and Griffon’s face went whiter than snow. He grabbed thenecklace he seemed to have one recently and started praying on repeat, “Lord let me live, and if Idie not flying in heaven!”The plane did its upward slant into the sky, and Griffon grabbed the seats, and clung on, still prayinghis mouth off. To my shock he grabbed my hand, and my face went a bright red.The next ten minutes were a blur because I was so tired. Eventually, Griffon realized he was fine,and looked at me. We both let go of each other’s hands, and I looked out with winds with a red face.12 hours on a plane sitting next to your crush. Can’t be that bad… sitting their for 12 hours.(Griffon)I opened my eyes, and sat there for a second. I looked down at my watch. It was 9 am. I had beenout for two and a half hours… I think. I wasn’t pay’n attention when this metal death tube took off.I glanced over at Nichole who was sleeping on the window, with the thingy down so no light couldget in. I looked back at Austin and Ashlyn, who were sleep’n with their heads on each others… and Ifelt jealous for a moment. I shook it off and glanced again at Nicky who was out cold as dust. Ilooked over, and a few rows back, dad was sleep’s too.Man, everyone is out cold, and I’m awake…just like home. I pulled out my phone, and started to play some good ‘ole Wordole, which is where you try to makewords, out of random letters.I didn’t realize how long I was playing, till my phone did a ‘out of time’ thing my parents put on it, forgames. Two and a half hours… dang. At least I know I got ding dang seven and a half hours left onthis metal tube of death.I looked over at Nicky, who was awake and watching something on her phone. I looked over andstarted to secretly watch too. It seemed interesting even though I couldn’t hear it. Nicky looked upat me, and I tried to fumble out my phone in time. She started to snicker as my face went red.“Wanna watch too?” She said softly.“Yeah… what is it?” I asked looking at the animation.“South Park. It’s very… special… but I find it funny.” She explained, with a hint of good ‘olehesitation.“Sure… can’t be that bad.”“It can.” She said handing me one of her AirPods. I looked at her, and apparently what everexpression I had make that girl laugh again.“Okay… I’m scared now.”“You should.” She laughed, and pressed unpause.How to explain the episode I just finished watching an hour ago. Well let’s just I say I quit watch’n.Um… highly inappropriate, but hilarious. You might be wonder’n what episode I watched. The Lordof the Rings one.Let’s just say, I ain’t ever watch’n this show again… even though I probably will. We both agreed towatch something else so, I got to pick… well was decid’n.“What about Bambi?” Nicky said in an annoyed voice.“With that wimpy deer that should ‘ave died? No.” I said. (Face it. The deer should ‘have died— Iwant option to be the one to skin that deer!)Nicky rolled her eyes. We had been at this for about ten minutes now. I snatched her phone andlooked at her. “Have you ever seen the Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe?”Nicky raised an eyebrow. “No… I haven’t.”“Well today is your lucky day! I ain’t leaven this tube of death till you watch it with me.” I saidsmiling. It took me a second to process what my mouth had said, and my face went red. I literallyasked her to do someth’n with me.Nicky shrugged, and snatched her phone back, and started the movie. She set up her phone on thetray thingy and we started to watch.We got to the part where dear ‘ole Lucy brought Edmund into the wardrobe, when a flight attendantlady walked up.“What drink would you want? We have water, lemonade, apple juice, orange juice, Sprite, coke, DietCoke, and—”“Can I get some water?” I asked softly. She nodded, and i saw her glance at the folded up wheelchair in front of me. She rolled her eyes, and took Nicky’s order and left. Sheese lady, youdon’t gotta be rude about it.We got our drinks, and went back to watching the movie. Someone tapped my back, and I looked atAustin who was leaned over the row to me.“How’s it going mate?”“Okay… why?”Austin shrugged and flipped his beach blonde hair. “I dunno… because this was the plan.” He saidsmirk’n. The plan… I had forgotten.I felt my face go red, and I looked at Nicky who was watching the movie, carefully, but hav’n a greattime.“Okay okay okay. This is great! It’s flat out amaz’n, and we’ve been watch’n stuff.” I said trying notto say anyth’n to loud.“Good.” Austin said smiling. “Me and Ashlyn, have been watching Titanic on repeat.” He said. Iraised an eyebrow.“Did she cry?”Ashlyn poked her head around. “No, you should ask the Australian brat himself.” Ashlyn saidsmirking. I looked at Austin who’s face went red.“It was sad! I was shipping it! And then that ship sank and—.” His voice broke and his eyes gotglassy. I should have known. Austin was always the emotional movie guy. I bursted out laughing, asAshlyn wrapped an arm around Austin. She signaled for me to go back to what I was doing. I didbefore turning back to her.“Wait, how did you know about the plan?!”She got a smile. “Good cop bad cop. I’m the bad cop.” She explained softly. It was true. You wereeither on Ashlyn’s good side or bad side.I turned back and looked at Nicky who was still watching the movie. I smiled, and watched it withher.