Recess Notes And Letter
helpsusfocus recessbyadlailipton
There is a national concern that children are not having going outside enough. We stay inside a lot wether we are playing a
video game or studying during school. We daydream about what we are going to do when we get home and normally we
don’t dream of going outside. Then we get called on for a question and we don’t know the answer for the question which
results in the teacher scolding us, the class snickering at us, and we are left feeling sad and very unhappy. That makes us
feel angry and we don’t really know how to solve that problem. If we have unstructured recess time we can be more
attentive during class, our mental health could improve, and we can develop social skills.
Unstructured recess allows us to design our own games and solve our own problems. In the text “Why Kids Need Recess”
by Alia Wong it states that “Perhaps most important, recess allows children to design their own games, to test their
abilities, to role-play, and to mediate their own conflicts—activities that are key to developing social skills and navigating
complicated situations.” (Paragraph 5) this will help us become more independent and help us manage our time. Time
management comes into this because one conflict we might have is we have multiple friends and they all want to play with
you, you have to mange you time with them, unlike in structured recess where the teachers manage your time for you and
tell you what to do. Another reason from this text is we get to test our abilities. In the real world you are not always going
to have a teacher or a supervisor with you. You have to be vigilant and look around. In structured recess we are more
likely to be relaxed and not care about the environment around us. But in unstructured recess we have to look around to
make sure we are safe with equipment we have to watch where we are going so we don’t get run into or hit with
equipment. We can also develop our social skills which means we will be able to control our emotions without help from
an adult all the time. But in structured recess we will always be with a supervisor that will just tell us to apologize,
sometimes without actually hearing how we feel.
Having unstructured recess helps to stimulate our senses as seen in “The Importance Of Recess” by Harvard Health
Publishing it states “A 2009 study from a group of researchers at Albert Einstein College of Medicine in New York showed
that, compared to those who have minimal or no recess time, elementary school children who have free time during the
day receive higher ratings from teachers on their classroom behavior.” (Paragraph 2) The key word in this is free time a
time where we again get to be independent and choose our own games. Also it states that they “receive higher ratings
from teachers on their classroom behavior”.
Even though we are not elementary schoolers I think that everyone deserves a break to resets their brains.
All in all having unstructured recess helps teachers have less to deal with and children time to think and get their brains
ready for the rest of the day. We could remove about 1 minute from each class, add that time to advisory, and replace
advisory with recess. If the advisory lessons are mandatory, maybe we could have a 1 time school assembly on these
things or do what Officer Krozel did and take time from our classes to teach us about the lessons. This helps us to be
attentive during class, our mental health could improve, and we can develop social skills