creditto re yallitelyI agreeBtw I'mSorryfor theotherdayIagreePeopleshouldn'ttrace andnowl'ma Peace makerAll abt meh! :pName: AbigailNickname: Abbie@g3: idkBirthday: 28th DecemberFav Song: 22 by Taylor swiftBiggest Fear: drowning (even tho I’m in swimming :)Fav food: salad chicken wrap, ramen, pizzaLikes:-my dog-my friend @thebanana-tv-notability-my other friend @poppypopcornDislikes:-Insects-that one classmate that hates me for no reason-toxic friends and relationships-annoying people-cringe anime ships that are not even canon (like Muzan x Tanjiro)-ungrateful people