Kianna Passmore.Mr. SerresEnglishA Warm September Morning.It was not rainy like it should’ve been that day. It seemed kind of ironic. In fact, it wassunny that warm September morning. My dog was named Bahgeera, Baggy for short.He was named after the panther from the Jungle Book. In that book, Bagheera is fierce.Baggy used to be fierce. One time Baggy did something incredible. He saved a two yearold from drowning. He just pulled him up from out of the water and brought him to hisparents. They were complete strangers but somehow he knew who to go to. Baggydidn’t look so fierce those last weeks. He didn’t have as much energy as he used tohave. Before he would run around the campsite we lived on and steel strangers hot dogright off their picnic table. Now, He was seventeen, in other words, old. We assumed hewas blind by now. He would pace at night as if he was nervous. He fell down the stairstoo many times. So, that warm September morning, we knew it was time.At the vet my mom said to come into the back room. The room where I would seehim for the last time. The room where the vets would put him to sleep. No. I justcouldn’t. So I hugged him for the last time and sat in the lobby. It smelled like sickness,tears, and too many broken hearts. I didn’t cry yet though because my heart is toughand scarred. I was unbreakable, or so I thought. Then the vets walk into the cold roomwith shots. I knew what was about to happen and I held my breath like I was undergood water. I felt like I was drowning. All noises were in the background and then the vetswalked out. Silence like a sinister omen. I heard my brother scream as if his heart hadbeen squashed like an over ripe strawberry. That’s when the tears start rolling and theydon’t stop. They taste like the ocean that I was still sinking in. I was sobbinguncontrollably and I felt everyone looking at me like they understood. But did they? Didthey grow up with him and see how happy he was when the lake unfroze?Then as I'm bawling, a man walked up to me. He said he’s sorry for my loss andgave me a rose. It was bright red and smelt like something sweet. I couldn’t say thanksbecause I was crying too hard. At that very moment I understood why it was warmoutside. It was sunny because God was telling me that my dog was in a better place. Hewas happy and swimming in lakes, and eating all the hot dogs he wanted. And helonged for my family to feel the joy in heaven that he was experiencing right that verymoment. At that moment, I thanked God for that warm September morning.