Roman Republicmainfeatures of the RomanRepublicMagistrates replacedtheking were appointed lictors Electedofficialswho run RomeLictors Bodyguards hired byimportantpeopleTheycarried fascesconsuls controlled the army and were the most importantmagistrates 2 consuls were selectedperyearCensors administrators of Rome that managed finances Alsodecided themembershipof the differentclassesDictator only in times of emergency could only rule for6 months at a time reallypowerful and would controleverythingA master of thehorse would beappointedsothey couldn't abuse theirpowerMasterof the horse Dictator'sdeputythat keptthem inlineKeyevents Silvia Arsia 509BcSuperbusgetstheVeiito goto war againstRomeArruns head of Tarquin'sarmy sees Brutus headof Rome'sarmy theychargestraight into eachother impalingeachother upon sight They both dieThe battle is inconclusive but the Romans winbecausethey hadone more soldier aliveSuperbusandthe Veii run awayBrutus is mournedLars Porsena 508BCSuperbus approaches LarsPorsena Kingof Clusiumfor helpLarstells Rometheytheyneed to reinstate Superbus of returnhis possessionsRome refuses and Clusiumdeclares warLars armytakes control of the vaniculumgainingtheupperhand3 men volunteer to defendthe bridgeinto the cityCone was a relative of the 3Albans his name was Horatius coclesHefoughtbravely but the bridgeis broken Codes swamaroundaimlessely untilhe was eitherstabbed in the bum or drownedcocles was remembered as a heroLars seiges RomeGaius planstoassassinateLars ThesenateagreesHekills Lars secretarybyaccidentHe is caught and makes up a lie that there are 299 moreassassins comingto kill himLars is scared and makes peace with the Romans Theyexchangehostages They also guaranteethe Veiisafety from Rome Lake Regillius 496BCDictator Postumiuskey events overviewPatricians get veryinvolved withfightingSuperbus gets woundedDictator is ok Masterof the horseis retired from battlePublico la's brother Valerii diesDictator decides to kill any Romans retreatingDictator makescavalryfight on footLatincommander Manilius kills the MasterofthehorseTitus terminus kills Latin commander MamiliusHe then goes to retrieve the armour for the temple ofJupiter but gets a lance through the backand diesThe Romans winThe first sec cession of RomePatron Client relationshipsbreakdown TheSenate vs PlebiansKeyeventsOld man enters theforumHeisrecognised as an important veteran commander who had falleninto crippling debt because of war taxes and PatriciansThepeopleuproar outragedThemob calls for theSenate threateningthemThe senators arescared and not enoughof themare there to makedecisionsTwo consuls AppiusClaudius and ServiliusClaudius arrests someplebians to set an exampleServiliuswantsto persuadethem insteadVolscians invade and the plebeiansrefuseto fightingdebtServiliussays iftheyfighthewill releasethem from 1Theplebs fight and win defeatingtheVolsciansEveryone is happyexceptfromClaudiusClaudius cancels their debt relief and thepeople uproarClaudius appoints dictator ManiusValeriustocrushtherebellionValerius appeals to the people insteadjAheadstrong man who was settlingthematter with the plebsbyarresting themHe later underminesServiusand cancels debt reliefMore inclined to gentlemeasures believed that it was safero and easier to persuade the plebeiansin Hispersuasivebehaviourledthem to win against the Volsci ans