Your typical math classroom
S . T . E . A . M .
2 1/6 = 12¥
1/6 2 = 1/12¥
If the whole number is in the front the answer is a
whole number.
If the fraction is in the front the answer is a fraction.
Dividing Fractions
Be respectful towards others1.
Eyes on speaker2.
Clean everything up3.
Stay focused4.
Chess contest!!!
Eric M.1.
Margret G.2.
Lily K.3.
Sam W.4.
Grant R.5.
9:00 Homeroom
10:05 Learning block 1
11:10 Special
12:25 Learning block 2
12:30 Recess
1:00 Lunch
1:35 Learning block 3
2:50 WIN
Comment your ideas for me to draw!!!
Any types of rooms!!!