J a r s o f c o n f i d e n c etÉ q DTs t Itstylehanang roomEE EE EEEE DiegoU U a Ve InTfeel free to useMaryam dhabaan 6I’m proud ofmyself sofar all A’s(I’m notbragging Ipromise!)It is horrendous DecentDependson whatfear it isSo far sogood It’sprettygoodWhen I’mrushing itlookshorrible butwhen I writenormal/slowit’s decentlygoodHoping toredecorate soon 😊Like three of my oldfriends have the samename as meKindaIt’s definitely noteasy to handle butit’s prettyThere justshort/smallthat’s allBunch of adults sayit’s “sooo cute”imma take theirword for it 🤣 😂