CAOOOI62OOHow do I complete this?Let’s go back to thenotes. What do iremember?I took notes but they are messy.I will help! Writethem below. Let's ReviewI still don’t understand.Look back or ask someone forhelp, ask for extra practice.It will help you a lot!Essential Tipsif your confident about•something, maybe your not andyou need help. Don’t be afraidto ask.Your teacher, close friends (who•understand), parents can helpyou understand the question(s)them(it’s)self.If your confused on a test,•exam, or whatever, don’t beafraid to write the steps andwhat you know about it alldown. What are some notetaking steps?A. Focus, SilentNotifications, Listencarefully to whatsbeing saidB. Ask for help,cheat, and makeyourself look badC. Ask for help,focus, listen to whatis being said, silentnotificationsD. All of the Above.