Chapter I arIt was a foggy day when 6 people were sitting outside in therain, “The rain sure is pretty.” Lura says. everyone in the groupagrees. “So guys, what should we do?” Lacy replies. “I think weshould dance in the rain.” starlight says. “Probably not.” Lurasays. Well, everyone was having fun sitting down until theyheard a sound. “What was that?!” Lacy said, looking down ather muddy boots. Lura looking around the place for clues,Starlight goes out and looks in the forest in their house.“Guys- what are we doing?!” Undertale comes out from theinside. “There was a sound here somewhere and we don’t knowwhere.” Lacy says. Kitten is inside taking a nap, a peaceful one.Suddenly, 6 necklaces appears. “Huh-!” Undertale says, lookingdown at the necklaces. “I think we should take them.” Lacysays. “No! What if there someone else’s? It’s not ours!”Undertale replies. Lacy taking the Sapphire one, she looks downand says, Guys! There’s one for everyone!” Lacy says. Undertalepicks up the Ghost necklace. “Dang.” Undertale says. Lura picksup the Fire necklace. Starlight goes inside to wake up Kitten.“Kitten! Get up!” Starlight says, opening her door. Kitten getsup and says, “What>?” ‘there’s necklaces outside, they are verypretty!!” Starlight says, holding up her Crystal one. Suddenly,they see someone, they look? Old? Funny looking, The oldwoman looks up and says, “Oh dear Starlight, look here. Youhave my daughter’s power.. Crystal.. be careful there, Dearstarlight..” “You have my word… I guess?” Starlight questions.“Funny dear, But I’m serious..” Old woman says. “Oh uhm/.. Whatabout me?” Kitten says. “Dear, I have none more of a necklace.But here. Take mine, I have the Amethyst power.” Old womansays, taking off her green, pearled necklace. “I’m a retiredwoman. I don’t fight anymore. Take care of this, Rememberwatch out for the Gemstone power.” Old woman says. “Okay.”Kitten says. Max comes out from the kitchen making the famous dish.“Wow!” “Smells delicious.” Lacy said. “Thanks, Lacy,” “By theway, where did you get the necklace, Lacy?” Max says. “Ohhere, I picked this one up for you., It’s the Gemstone one!” Lacysays. “Thanks! I think it fits, To be honest with you.” MaxSays. Lacy heads outside with Max, countless how manypeople were outside, surrounded their house. “What the heck?!”Max says, looking at all the people. “I..” Lacy says, looking downat the small child in front of her. “hello miss..” the small childsays. “Hi..?” Lacy replies. “I am George.. I heard you is the newpowerful girl!!” George says, looking up at Lacy with a blueright eye and a green left eye. “Do you like my eyes? Mymommy says they are ugly :(“ George says, sadly. “Oh of course!”Lacy says. Max runs in front of the old man. “Hey man, whydid you crowd all these people here?” Max says. “O-oh sir. I-heard yo-u were a-ll the n-ew p-powerful p-people.” The oldman says, gracefully. “Okay, whatever yeah yeah, This necklacedoes nothing!” Max says. The entire group came out, shocked.“What is this?!?!” Starlight says. “Huh?!” Kitten said. “Oh okay.”Undertale says, not shocked at all. One old man, a simplegraceful sound. -I cannot believe how many people were lined uphere.- Lacy thought.End of chapter 1!Cast:Max (@daddysdiscordkitten)Kitten (@hearts4kitt3ns)Starlight (st4rrl1ght)Lacy (@c1nnamonroll)Undertale (@undertaleisawesome)Lura (@littlesylveon)