Hey my strawberries I am so sorry for not posting for 2 weeks.I have just had a lot of things happen the last couple weekslike for example(this actually happened): Getting Cheated onbecause your bf thought you were gonna leave him:(but everything is fine atm tho! So I will start probably postingtwice a day so the first post will be for the exact day and thefollowing post will be for upcoming day. However, I am goingto be on spring break from the 3rd of April to the 10th of Aprilso during that time I will not be posting anything until I returnto school which will be on Tuesday April 11th. I will not beposting after today because I need to straighten things outwith my bf and make us strong again and kinda enjoy my lastday with everyone before break. So with that being said I loveyou my strawberries 🍓 and I hope if your going on yourspring break as well you have a great time from school. I hopeyou come back safe and sound. I also want to thank you allfor 108 followers I never could have done it without you guysand I love and care so much and I just can’t thank you allenough. To my future and current strawberries 🍓 I want you toknow your special, your wanted, and to always believe inyourself. I love you all and this isn’t the last of me I just needto get my life a bit back in check so this isn’t bye forever thisis just for now so goodbye my lovely strawberries 🍓 .