sooooooooif you don’t wanna hear abt random mean things people have done this week, the door is this way ➡ 🚪long story short, my “friend group” was mad at me for not liking another hooman (which we will call X), who had intruded our group randomly. so, i said, look, i’m sorry but idkwhat to do abt this, but i hope we can still be friends. it was all fine until this afternoon when X started spreading rumours abt me, saying i had said mean stuffs abt one of mybesties. my bestie got really mad at me, and she told me that she wasn’t gonna forgive me. ofc, our teacher got involved and they sorted it out, and X got in trouble, but i’m reallyscared she’s gonna keep doing this :(*end of vent*byeeeeee <3-angie