Goofy abt the artist but yk
If u could be one person in the world rn, who would it be?
Hmm, probably JK Rowling bc shes one of my favorite authors
If you could be one ctional character who would you be?
That’s a rlly hard one, so I have multiple answers lol. Annabeth Chase, Hermione
Granger, Sophie Foster, Spensa Nightshade, Moonwatcher, Mistystar, and
obviously Lura Baxter
If you could be one animal for the rest of ur life, what would u be?
Wolf, white one to be specic
If u could have one ctional world be real, which one would u choose?
Percy Jackson obviously. Camp Halfblood for the win!
Favorite subject?
Favorite sport?
Soccer, I’ve played since I was 4
If you could have one ctional pet, what would it be?
Either a Pegasus from Percy Jackson, a Alicorn from Kotlc, or a Doomslug from
What do u want to be when you grow up?
Author, Anesthesiologist, or a Nuerolgoist